General Assembly & Kick-off Meeting
- Pleinlaan 5
- Brussels
- Belgium

From 17.-19. January 2014 the INFOCORE’s kick-off meeting and first General Assembly took place in Brussels. The event officially launched the administrative and research activities of the three-year project (1/2014-12/2016). The kick-off meeting provided detailed information on the main activities of the project until 2016. The WP leaders decided in particular on the general ‘Roadmap’ and the strategy for year 1, agreed on the management & communication structure, tasks & schedules and the monitoring process, constituted INFOCORE’s governing bodies, discussed on a first version of the CA and on ethics issues. In the afternoon, a conference with INFOCORE project and legal officers followed. On Saturday, INFOCORES project manager provided important information on practical and administrative affairs. Two different working groups (“Interviewing Strategies” and “Content Analyses”) then developed first steps towards the specific methodological frameworks.