INFOCORE Presentations & Participations in Scientific Conferences
MeCoDEM Workshop on Social Media, Conflict and Democracy (Brussels, 18 November 2016)
November 18th, 2016 9:00:am,
Joint workshop with MeCoDEM and Vox Pol on “Social Media, Conflict and Democracy: Utopian Visions, Dystopian Futures and Pragmatic Policies”. #ICTconflict For the live stream, agenda and workshop outline, click here.
ECREA Conference 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic.
November 9th, 2016 9:00:am,
9-12 November 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
6th European Communication Conference European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)
Fröhlich, R. (2016). The framing of women in strategic communication on war and violent conflict – A reproduction of harmful gender stereotypes? Results from an international large-scale framing analysis. Paper presented at the ECREA conference, 9.-12. November 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.
Jungblut, M. & Fröhlich, R. (2016). Between factoids and facts: Analyzing Excellence in NGO Communication. Presented at the ECREA 6th European Communication Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K. & Baden, C. (2016). Uses of collective memory in news discourse on violent escalation. Presented at the ECREA 6th European Communication Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Carratalá, A., Berganza, R., Perelló, S., López-Navas, C., Herrero, B., de Miguel Pascual, R., Lavín, E., & Echevarría, P. (2016). The media in European parliament debates abut African post-conflict situations: supporting women empowerment or consolidating victimization? Presented at the ECREA 6th European Communication Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
June 9th, 2016, Hilton Sea Hawk, Fukuoka, Japan
66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA)
I. "Media’s impact on key actors in violent conflicts."
Panel convener: Marc Jungblut
Berganza, R., Arcila, C., López Navas, C., Herrero, B., Carratalá, A., Echavarria, P., Lavin, E., & Perelló, S.: "Escalation/pacification of violent conflicts: the role of media on European Parliamentary debates."
Gonen, Y., & Hoxha, A.: "Relations and interactions between journalists from two sides of a conflict."
Jungblut, M.: "Distributed, discussed or discredited? Media reflections in NGO publication."
II. "New approaches to studying conflict news."
Panel convener: Christian Baden
Hoxha, A., & Hanitzsch, T.: "How the news comes into being: Researching conflict news production through retrospective reconstruction interviews."
Baden, C., & Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K.: "This means war: Identifying patterns of escalation in conflict news using quantitative discourse analysis and comparative semantic networks."
Dimitrakopoulou, D. & Boukala, S.: "Exploring the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the lens of social media: A multi-methodical approach."
Individual ICA-Papers:
Frère, M.-S., & Fiedler, A.: "Balancing plausible lies and false truth: Perception and evaluation of the local and global news coverage of conflicts in Burundi and the DRC."
Baden, C., & Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K.: "Evolving alignments: A longitudinal comparative study of inter-media similarity & diversity in the coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict."
Baden, C., & Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K.: "Journalistic transformation: How source texts are turned into news stories."
Jungblut, M., & Zakareviciute, I.: "Do pictures tell a different story? A multimodal frame analysis of the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict."
Jungblut, M., & Ohlinger, U.: "Journalism culture and its impact on the contextualization of reality – A qualitative narrative- and framing-analysis of the political foreign news in German and British newspapers."
Stalpouskaya, K., Communication Research Methods Preconference, Paper: "Extracting Agendas for Action from News Coverage Using Machine Learning Techniques."
INFOCORE Panel at ISA Conference “Exploring Peace” in Atlanta, GA
March 17th, 2016 12:00:am, Hilton Atlanta
INFOCORE scholars presented three papers at the ISA conference in Atlanta, themed "Exploring Peace".Entering into discussion with the community of conflict scholars and political scientists, the panel addressed the roles of cognitions vs. emotions, specific influences vs. wide media ecologies, and the rising prominence of new actors such as NGOs.
The three INFOCORE papers were:
- Christian Baden & Christoph Meyer: The INFOCORE Approach to Media Influence on the Prevention or Escalation of Violent Conflict
- Chiara de Franco: Media Power in Violent Conflict: Practices of Escalation and Transformation
- Christoph Meyer & Eric Sangar: In Search of the “NGO Effect”? An Empirically Grounded Assessment of the Evolving Role of NGOs in Mediated Conflict
- Scott Althaus: Priming Us against Them, Again and Again? The Effects of War News on Domestic Support for American Military Conflicts across the Post-World War II Era
Thanks to Christoph Meyer for organizing, Chiara de Franco for joining the panel, and to Laura Roselle for serving as a great respondent!
November 15th, 2014,
2. Title of Presentation: (Informing conflict prevention, response & resolution: The INFOCORE consortiums approach to production and dissemination of news in violent conflict
By: Romy Fröhlich, Christian Baden, Rosa Berganza, Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou, Marie-Soleil Frère, Thomas Hanitzsch, Christoph Meyer, Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Georgios Terzis, Snezana Trpevska, Gadi Wolfsfeld
Powerpoint Presentation: ECREA 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
3. Title of Presentation: Beyond peace journalism: Reclassifying conflict news narratives
By: Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Thomas Hanitzsch
3. Title of presentation: Conflict coverage as guidance or resource: Interpretative autonomy and constrained diversity in news user reconstructions of the war in Libya
By: Christian Baden, Nina Springer
5. All the participants of the joint Infocore – Mecodem ( joint ECREA panel titled: ADVANCING THEORY AND RESEARCH ON THE ROLE OF JOURNALISM IN WAR AND CONFLICT
Asociación de Comunicación Política (ACOP), Bilbao, Spain.
July 17th, 2014,
Berganza, R., Carratalá, A., de Miguel, R. and Herrero, B.,“La ‘agenda building’ aplicada al análisis de la comunicación política en conflictos bélicos”. Presented at the International Conference of the Political Communication Association (ACOP).
ICA Awards for INFOCORE team members
May 22nd, 2014, 64th ICA Annual Conference, Seattle, WA
Two INFOCORE team members have won two of the major awards at this year's International Communication Association (ICA) Annual Conference in Seattle, WA:
Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt is winner of the 2014 ICA Outstanding Article Award for her article "Bridging Collective Memories and Public Agendas: Toward a Theory of Mediated Prospective Memory", published in Communication Theory 23(2), pp. 91-111. Gadi Wolfsfeld, together with his collaborators Elad Segev and Tamir Sheafer, has won the Keith R. Sanders and Lynda Lee Kaid Best Political Communication Article of the Year Award award for their article "Social Media and the Arab Spring: Politics Comes First", published in The International Journal of Press/Politics 18(2), pp. 115-137. Congratulations, Keren and Gadi!July 8th, 2013, IDC Herzliya
Christian Baden and Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt presented INFOCORE’s theoretical perspective on the dynamic dissemination process of evolving conflict interpretations at the Annual Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP):
- Baden, C., Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K., & Fröhlich, R. (2013). Dynamics of conflict framing in media coverage: Psychological, social, and semantic processes of evolving conflict perceptions. Presented at the 2013 Annual Meeting of the ISPP, 8-11 July 2013, Herzliya, Israel.