INFOCORE - (In)forming conflict prevention: The role of media in violent conflict

INFOCORE in the Media

1. “Women at War: The Local Women Who Hold Up the Sky in Syria

by Pascale Müller was published on August 22, 2014 in Syria Deeply.


2. An Interview with Professor Romy Fröhlich on October 2, 2015 available in English and German:

“War Reporting: A battle for attention” 

“Kriegsberichterstattung: Im PR-Gefecht”


3.  An Interview with Professor Romy Fröhlich on November 12, 2015 available in German:

“Stirbt im Krieg die Wahrheit zuerst?”


4. “News Media’s Role In Conflict“, by Professor Philip Seib on November 18, 2016 for the Huffington Post.


5. “Media & Conflicts: dangerous liaisons, an INFOCORE study reveals” featuring interviews with INFOCORE’s researchers, published on November 28, 2016 on EURONEWS.


6. “News & Conflict“, Abit Hoxha, Doctoral Researcher, & Prof. Dr. Thomas Hanitzsch, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. Published in New Europe’s: Our World in 2017 on 09.01.2017


7. “The role of the media in violent conflicts in the digital age”, Prof. Dr. Gadi Wolfsfeld, Interdisciplinary Center (IDC), Herzliya. Published in New Europe’s: Our World in 2017 on 09.01.2017


8. “As NGOs fill the gaps in conflict news, should we be worried?”, Prof. Dr. Christoph Meyer, King’s College, & Eric Sangar, Researcher, University of Namur. Published in New Europe’s: Our World in 2017 on 09.01.2017


9. “Burundian journalism in crisis”, Marie-Soleil Frère, Senior Research Associate, National Fund for Scientific Research (Belgium). Published in New Europe’s: Our World in 2017 on 09.01.2017


10. “Ethnocentric coverage: Audiences comfy zone in Macedonia”, Prof. Dr. Snezana Trpevska, School of Journalism and Public Relations (SJPR), Skopje. Published in New Europe’s: Our World in 2017 on 09.01.2017


11. “Why study social media in conflict-ridden societies”, Prof. Dr. Dimitra Dimitrakopoulou, Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. Published in New Europe’s: Our World in 2017 on 09.01.2017


12. “Political communication in the age of post-truth”, Marc Jungblut, Researcher, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. Published in New Europe’s: Our World in 2017 on 09.01.2017


13. “On ritualized conflict: Why the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a poor guide for understanding other conflicts”, Dr. Christian Baden, Senior Lecturer & Dr, Keren Tenenboim-Weinblatt, Assistant Professor, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Published in New Europe’s: Our World in 2017 on 09.01.2017