INFOCORE - (In)forming conflict prevention: The role of media in violent conflict




INFOCORE’s first Stakeholders Seminars took place in Brussels, on October 9th and 10th 2015. During this event, the researchers of each work package shared their preliminary findings with the four different stakeholder groups: policy-makers, academics, NGOs, and media. The eight different work packages presented to each stakeholder group individually in separate sessions. The aim was to shape policy debate and to test first findings in their respective fields. Overall the Stakeholder Seminars were very productive for the researchers and the stakeholders.

The Proceedings from the Stakeholders Seminars summarise the main questions raised by all stakeholder groups, reactions to and discussions on the preliminary findings from the research, concrete suggestions for improving the utility of INFOCORE’s analysis towards maximum utility for the specific stakeholder groups, and the dissemination needs analysis.

To read the full report click here.



Executive Summary Excerpt:

“The Ohrid conference was one of the ‘testing’ INFOCORE events where different stakeholders from the Balkans – media actors, civil society, communication educators and policy makers –shared their experience as related to conflict reporting AND came up with initial ideas about how research still in the working stage could be used by different players. A vivid debate on the role of journalists in preventing, reporting and reconciling conflict showed why projects like this one are still very much needed even in regions such as the Balkans, where the 20th anniversary of the war was marked in 2015.”


D9.5 Proceedings on the Stakeholder Seminars Balkans, Ohrid, 2-3 July 2016 – click here.


Executive Summary Excerpt:

“On July 24-25, 2016 the INFOCORE team met in Cyprus with a groups of diverse participants ranging from Human Rights Activists, representatives of NGOs or Think tank as well as political actors. During two days, the INFOCORE team shared the results and the findings of more than two years of research analyzing the role(s) that media play in the emergence or prevention, the escalation or deescalation, the management, resolution, and reconciliation of violent conflict. Through presentations and follow-up discussions they debated on the findings of their comparative assessment of media dynamics they analyzed in the Middle East, the West Balkans, and the African Great Lakes area.”


D9.5 Proceedings on the Stakeholder Seminars Middle East, Cyprus, 22-24 July 2016 – click here.


Executive Summary Excerpt:

“On 28 and 29 September 2016, five researchers from the INFOCORE team, representing almost all work packages of the project gathered with around 50 journalists, academics, policy makers and civil society representatives from the DRC and Burundi. This third INFOCORE dissemination stakeholder workshop took place in the town of Gisenyi (in Rwanda) and aimed at discussing the first provisional findings from the different work packages.”


D9.5 Proceedings on the Stakeholder Seminars Africa Great Lakes Region, Gisenyi, Rwanda, 28-29 September 2016 – click here.


Executive Summary Excerpt:

“The Brussels Final Dissemination Conference had as its aim to allow researchers from different work packages of INFOCORE to present their findings and conclusions as well as suggest policy recommendations. The conference took place at the Brussels Press Club on November 17th 2016. A total of twelve researchers presented their studies to a mixed audience of around 80 journalists, NonGovernmental Organization (NGO) representatives, policy makers, scholars and students.”


D9.6 Proceedings on Final Dissemination Conference, Brussels, 17 November 2016 – Click here