INFOCORE - (In)forming conflict prevention: The role of media in violent conflict


INFOCORE produces results and findings directed at a wide range of audiences, which are reflected in different kinds of publications and materials. As far as is possible, INFOCORE aims to make its results available to the public for free.


INFOCORE Definitions

The INFOCORE Consortium has collated numerous definitions of key concepts relevant to its theoretical focus and operational approach, which inform and structure the research conducted throughout the project. To access the list of definitions, please click here.


INFOCORE Working Papers

The INFOCORE Working Paper Series closely documents the progress of the scientific work of the project consortium. The working papers include the conceptual foundations of the project’s research objectives, the main methodological strategies and materials, as well as the results from each individual Work Package’s and the project’s joint analysis.

Complete list of INFOCORE Working Papers


Academic Publications

INFOCORE aims to publish the findings from its research in top academic journals and other venues dedicated to the role of media in war and violent conflict. All publications prepared by INFOCORE’s team members and affiliated projects are listed here. Where permitted, we aim to provide open access to all content.

Complete list of academic publications emerging from INFOCORE



The INFOCORE team includes several doctoral scholars who complete their dissertations within the context of the project, using the INFOCORE data. All doctoral dissertations completed by INFOCORE’s team members and affiliated projects are listed here.

Complete list of completed dissertations emerging from INFOCORE


Conference Papers & Presentations

The scientific work produced by the INFOCORE project consortium feeds into a range of presentations and papers presented at academic conferences in the fields of communications, political science, security studies, social science methodology, linguistics, and other disciplines.

Complete list of INFOCORE presentations at academic conferences

Presentation introducing the INFOCORE project, held at the ECREA European Communication Conference, 2014, Lisbon, Portugal 


INFOCORE Policy Briefs

One key purpose of INFOCORE is to inform European and national policy making related to the media in war and violent conflict. The INFOCORE Policy Briefs series summarizes the project’s main policy recommendations, formulating concrete guidelines, providing benchmarks, and highlighting best practices across its various cases.

The policy briefs can be found here.


Practitioner Materials

INFOCORE cooperates closely with practitioners in the media, peacekeeping, peace-related training and advocacy, and many other fields of practice. To ideally inform the work of these stakeholders in our large stakeholder network and beyond, INFOCORE spells out and develops the practical implications of its research and recommendations for various applications in these fields.

[this results section will be released as soon as there is relevant content to access]



The Proceedings summarise the main questions raised by all stakeholder groups, reactions to and discussions on the findings from the research, concrete suggestions for improving the INFOCORE’s analysis towards maximum utility for the specific stakeholder groups.

To read the full report click here.



INFOCORE aims to publish a regular newsletter, which details any new information about the project or results relevant to a diverse range of stakeholders.
To subscribe yourself to our newsletter, or to browse all previous editions of our newsletters click here.


General Audience Materials

As part of its responsibility to the European public, INFOCORE has committed to rendering its findings available in a transparent and accessible manner suited for interested lay audiences. These materials are designed to inform and educate the public about the public relevance and practical implications of INFOCORE’s research, and to document the purposefulness of the public funding used.

D8.3 Research Report for the General Public, published December 2016. To read the full report, click here.