INFOCORE - (In)forming conflict prevention: The role of media in violent conflict

ECREA Conference 2016 in Prague, Czech Republic.

9-12 November 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.

6th European Communication Conference European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA)

 Fröhlich, R. (2016). The framing of women in strategic communication on war and violent conflict – A reproduction of harmful gender stereotypes? Results from an international large-scale framing analysis. Paper presented at the ECREA conference, 9.-12. November 2016, Prague, Czech Republic.

 Jungblut, M. & Fröhlich, R. (2016). Between factoids and facts: Analyzing Excellence in NGO Communication. Presented at the ECREA 6th European Communication Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.

 Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K. & Baden, C. (2016). Uses of collective memory in news discourse on violent escalation. Presented at the ECREA 6th European Communication Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.

  Carratalá, A., Berganza, R., Perelló, S., López-Navas, C., Herrero, B., de Miguel Pascual, R., Lavín, E., & Echevarría, P. (2016). The media in European parliament debates abut African post-conflict situations: supporting women empowerment or consolidating victimization? Presented at the ECREA 6th European Communication Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.

