INFOCORE - (In)forming conflict prevention: The role of media in violent conflict

ICA Conference, Fukuoka Japan

66th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (ICA)

I. “Media’s impact on key actors in violent conflicts.”
Panel convener: Marc Jungblut

Berganza, R., Arcila, C., López Navas, C., Herrero, B., Carratalá, A., Echavarria, P., Lavin, E., & Perelló, S.: “Escalation/pacification of violent conflicts: the role of media on European Parliamentary debates.”

Gonen, Y., & Hoxha, A.: “Relations and interactions between journalists from two sides of a conflict.”

Jungblut, M.: “Distributed, discussed or discredited? Media reflections in NGO publication.”

II. “New approaches to studying conflict news.”
Panel convener: Christian Baden

Hoxha, A., & Hanitzsch, T.: “How the news comes into being: Researching conflict news production through retrospective reconstruction interviews.”

Baden, C., & Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K.: “This means war: Identifying patterns of escalation in conflict news using quantitative discourse analysis and comparative semantic networks.”

Dimitrakopoulou, D. & Boukala, S.: “Exploring the Israeli-Palestinian conflict through the lens of social media: A multi-methodical approach.”

Individual ICA-Papers:

Frère, M.-S., & Fiedler, A.: “Balancing plausible lies and false truth: Perception and evaluation of the local and global news coverage of conflicts in Burundi and the DRC.”

Baden, C., & Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K.: “Evolving alignments: A longitudinal comparative study of inter-media similarity & diversity in the coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.”

Baden, C., & Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K.: “Journalistic transformation: How source texts are turned into news stories.”

Jungblut, M., & Zakareviciute, I.: “Do pictures tell a different story? A multimodal frame analysis of the 2014 Israel-Gaza conflict.”

Jungblut, M., & Ohlinger, U.: “Journalism culture and its impact on the contextualization of reality – A qualitative narrative- and framing-analysis of the political foreign news in German and British newspapers.”

Stalpouskaya, K., Communication Research Methods Preconference, Paper: “Extracting Agendas for Action from News Coverage Using Machine Learning Techniques.”

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