Working Groups Content Analysis and Working Group Interview Analysis Meeting, Munich, 7-8 July 2014
- Oettingenstr. 67
- Munich
- Germany

Working Groups Content Analysis and Working Group Interview Analysis Meeting, Munich, 7-8 July 2014
The Content Analysis Methodological Group developed a practical and intense agenda in order to clarify the conceptual framework and move towards the definition of the methodological strategy. The first day, all the group members learned to use the specific software that will allow them to perform the automatic content analysis. On Tuesday, the different WPLs presented their goals and discussed on specific issues such as the periods of analysis, the collection of data, the preparation of dictionaries in different languages and the qualitative approach to the corpus.
The Interviewing Methodological Group of the INFOCORE focused on three main aspects of the research project: First, all Interviewing Working Packages (WP’s) presented the respective conceptual framework papers and discussed the areas where further clarification and improvement is necessary. This is to serve as a basis for the construction of the complete methodological frameworks of the respective WP’s; Second, the Interviewing WP members discussed organizational issues regarding the execution of the research – this entailed coordination issues to ensure better quality of the research results and; Finally, Interviewing WP members in a joint session with the Content Analytical Group discussed the issue of interconnectedness of the research across different areas. WP members agreed on the general conclusions of these discussions and in the following months will take action to implement them into the respective research plans.