General Assembly & Kick-off Meeting
Kick-off meeting and first General Assembly of INFOCORE
Kick-off meeting and first General Assembly of INFOCORE
Working Groups Content Analysis and Working Group Interview Analysis Meeting, Munich, 7-8 July 2014 The Content Analysis Methodological Group developed a practical and intense agenda in order to clarify the conceptual framework and move towards the definition of the methodological strategy. The first day, all the group members learned to use the specific software that […]
November 15, 2014 – Lisbon, Portugal INFOCORE Project Coordinator, Romy Froehlich opens meeting Advisory Board Members: Prof. Dr. Scott Althaus, Dr. Philip Seib, and Arne Köning Advisory Board Members: Giacomo Mazzone and Patrick Leusch
The second General Assembly of the INFOCORE Consortium took place from 16 to 17 November 2014 in Lisbon.
Successful INFOCORE dictionary construction workshop at the School of Journalism and PR in Skopje: Getting ready to automatically recognize important conflict-related contents in different languages.
1. Opening panel for the Stakeholder Seminars (Day 1, 9 October 2015) INFOCORE’s first Stakeholders’ Seminars took place in Brussels, on October 9th and 10th. In a series of presentations and seminars each Work Package presented to the four main stakeholder groups: policy-makers, academics, NGOs, and media. During these events, researchers from the eight Work […]
On July 24 and 25th, 2016 in Cyprus, the INFOCORE team met with journalists, academics, representatives from NGOs, and political leaders. During the conference, the INFOCORE team shared the results and findings from research conducted. These analyses were primarily focused in the Middle East, the West Balkans, and the African Great Lakes, and were expressed […]
MEDIA AND CONFLICT: INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES INFOCORE has been working closely with another FP7 EU-Project MeCoDEM given the research focus of both projects on the role of media in conflicts, collaboration between the scholars can contribute greatly to the results as well as initiate new research projects in future. This time, following the joint INFOCORE – […]